WHY we’re here : Brands struggle selling direct to consumers
Today’s customer experience on marketplaces is lacking. It is not the experience that Brands would like to deliver, nor the experience that customers are expecting from them. A Brand’s superior products and the promise of a great buying experience gets diluted through the channel complexities that growing and multiplying marketplaces have created, as illustrated below:

When you leave it to the marketplace to represent your products, inefficient shipping, inconsistent fulfillment, dismal returns management negatively impact the outbound and reverse logistics experience. Low-volume, low-margin, low-service storefronts—whether they are legitimate operators or not, undercut the Brand’s channel strategies, pricing controls and reputation.
An uncontrolled marketplace is a race to the bottom. Pricing standards, promotions, margins, profitability and sustainable outcomes are near impossible. Even worse, Brands lose control over their catalog, content, and message. Way more important than achieving a one-time sale, the reputation of the Brand gets misrepresented in the transaction and the opportunity for winning over loyal customers through a great shopping experience is forever lost. It does not have to be that way.
WHAT we’re doing : We enable D2C Everywhere® for Brands
“What MarketNation does for Brands is by far the most comprehensive and innovative approach I’ve seen to date for assuring marketplace success.”
—Jeremy King, former Chief Technology Officer, Walmart
We offer the first ever collaborative D2C Platform for Brands and their Distribution Partners wanting to grow their marketplace presence. Based on a drop ship consignment-model, we provide a full suite of marketplace services for Brands. MarketNation ensures the best branded customer experience over the lifetime of their purchase, on all marketplaces.
Beyond traditional marketplaces, MarketNation is enabling Influencers, Creators, Brands, Brand Affiliates, Schools & Nonprofits to launch their own marketplace at plus.shop. With +Shops, anyone can be a +Shopkeeper, and everyone loves to shop.
HOW we’re doing it : We deliver a Direct-to-Consumer platform
Our unique D2C+ platform for Brands and their Distribution Partners enables us, on behalf of the Brands, to safely control and coordinate content and products across the customer ownership experience. Fast delivery, unboxing, warranty, customer service, hassle-free returns are aligned with the Brand’s specifications. Our D2C+ platform enables us to source the Brand’s products at the best price across the Brand’s distribution chain while managing in-season, end-of-life, end-of-quarter, overstocks, liquidation and manufacturer refurbished offers in partnership with the Brands distribution and 3PL partners. Current partner integrations include world-renowned D&H Distributing, EMG, and Segue Corporation. We’d love to add more!

+Shops represent an opportunity to complement the Brands’ existing sales channels and strengthen their go-to-market strategy that enables D2C Everywhere for Brands. Without impacting a Brand’s existing distribution channels, +Shop is a distributed marketplace that enables Brands to continuously expand their D2C selling locations, enabling +Shopkeepers to receive their own individual +Shops.
+Shops feature functionalities that enable Influencers, Creators, Brands, Brand Affiliates, Schools & Nonprofits to easily activate their own store, boost their ecommerce capabilities with minimal effort, and enjoy the incremental revenue streams in partnership with the Brands whose products they like. These +Shopkeepers can simply personalize their store to reflect their own branding, select already curated products from a massive growing catalog of world-class Brands, and let things run on their own. +Shopkeepers are able to choose the Brands they wish to have in their +Shops. In turn, Brands in collaboration with their Distribution Partners control which products, content, and pricing they want to be displayed there.
With +Shops, there’s no need to run a retail business, set up a supply chain of inventory, or manage a warehouse and distribution. Also, +Shops removes the unnecessary burdens and labor costs of managing an additional website, an ecommerce storefront, managing tax remittance with local principalities, and the expectation of a flawless end-to-end customer service and returns management operation.